123. I Created New Roles For My Stylists & My Salon Has Never Been Better

To listen to the full episode & receive my exclusive supporting documents on this topic, visit: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/elevate-insider-19-full-episode-i-created-new-roles/id1623444149?i=1000659523241 

Throughout 2024, I've been implementing new ways to grow my salon. One of the biggest shifts I made was creating new roles in my salon for my stylists.

It's been so fun to promote my team to these new roles & give them more opportunities to grow inside my business.

From an owner perspective, these roles help take things off my plate and delegate them to people who are better at these tasks than I am.

Since adding these roles, my salon has never been better. We've hit record breaking months and important things aren't falling through the cracks because they're delegated out to my team.

To get the full episode & all my other exclusive episodes, subscribe to The Elevate Insider! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/elevate-insider-19-full-episode-i-created-new-roles/id1623444149?i=1000659523241 

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